E' uscito un nuovo fascicolo della rivista BIOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY (2007, vol. 22, n. 2). Contiene numerosi articoli e riflessioni sull'ID, sul Papa, sulla speciazione, sul concetto di selezione naturale.
Ecco il sommario:
1 Size doesn't matter: towards a more inclusive philosophy of biology O'Malley, Maureen, Duprè, John
2 Occam's Razor in science: a case study from biogeography Baker, A.
3 Intelligent design and the NFL theorems Hoggstrom, Olle
4 What is natural selection? Brunnander, Bjorn
5 The dimensions, modes and definitions of species and speciation Wilkins, John
6 Evolution, altruism and cognitive architecture: a critique of Sober and Wilson's argument for psychological altruism Stich, Stephen
7 Is the Pope a Catholic? Ghiselin, Michael
8 Reports of the death of the gene are greatly exaggerated Knight, Rob
9 Is ''evolutionary psychology'' even possible? A review of Adapting Minds , by David Buller Ferguson, Sally
Buona lettura,
Paolo Coccia
1 comment:
God Discusses Condoms: Papal Penis Proclamations Flawed
(at cognitorex)
I just spoke to God. He said, "My plan for the planet earth is a forty per cent reduction in homo sapiens to three point eight billion inhabitants, you know, global warming, famines and all that shit.
A large component of the math is the 'how many babies per couple?' formula.
This turns out to be one point two six children per do-it-yourself couple planet wide.
This takes getting a whole bunch of weenies and vaginee parts to leave each other alone. Ergo, he continued, I'm going to crank up production of my weenies of mis direction children , or WMDs as the Neo-Theos call them until at such time that the planet's CO2, oxygen, food, water, etc return to homeostasis. This I call 'harmony with the divine.'
Actually, I sent Mr. Darwin down to sort of explain it all, but that's another story.
Speaking of other stories, Mr. Kvatch on his blognonymous website gets a gold star for his comments on the need for and the long term benefits from non reproductive sexual behavior.
Given his well honed sense of humor, may I ever so deliciously point out to him that if the NeoTheos and Big Benny forwent the skinny dipping good, Papal Penii Protection Bad Proclamations and pedalled condoms worldwide like their bigoted, capalist, money grubbing asses were falling off, I would not have to alter your planet's sexual mores for, hmm, let me see, I've got my notes right here, the next thirty one thousand years.
"Christ, is that right? Thirty one thousand.....?"
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