Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide e’ una rivista elettronica che si occupa di Arti Visive e ha dedicato il fascicolo n. 2 di quest’anno all’influenza del pensiero di Darwin sulle arti visive raccogliendo in questo speciale gli atti del simposio:
Darwin Effect: Evolution and Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture, New York University's Institute of Fine Arts, April 28, 2001. I testi completi delle relazioni li potete consultare presso questo indirizzo Web, Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide
Il sommario e’ il seguente:
The Darwin Effect: Introduction
by Linda Nochlin
Life Drawing from Ape to Human: Charles Darwin's Theories of Evolution and William Rimmer's Art Anatomy
by Elliot Bostwick Davis
Evolution and Degeneration in the Early Work of Odilon Redon
by Barbara Larson
Progress and Evolution at the U.S. World's Fairs, 1893–1915
by Michael Leja
Reading the Animal in Degas's Young Spartans
by Martha Lucy
"Impulses and Desires": Klinger's Darwinism in Nature and Society
by Marsha Morton
Haunted Supermasculinity: Strength and Death in Carl Rungius's Wary Game
by Alexander Nemerov
On Women and Ambivalence in the Evolutionary Topos
by Kathleen Pyne
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