Friday, April 29, 2005

Colloquium di PNAS fine Aprile

PNAS sta per pubblicare nella sezione Colloquium del fascicolo di fine Aprile 2005 i seguenti interessantissimi articoli. Eccovi una selezione dei piu’ significativi:
Jody Hey, Walter M. Fitch, and Francisco J. Ayala. Systematics and the origin of species: An introduction
Edward O. Wilson. Systematics and the future of biology
Anne B. Simonson, Jacqueline A. Servin, Ryan G. Skophammer, Craig W. Herbold, Maria C. Rivera, and James A. Lake. Decoding the genomic tree of life
Mónica Medina. Genomes, phylogeny, and evolutionary systems biology
Jeffrey L. Feder, Xianfa Xie, Juan Rull, Sebastian Velez, Andrew Forbes, Brian Leung, Hattie Dambroski, Kenneth E. Filchak, and Martin Aluja. Mayr, Dobzhansky, and Bush and the complexities of sympatric speciation in Rhagoletis
Kevin de Queiroz. Ernst Mayr and the modern concept of species
Stuart J. Macdonald and Anthony D. Long. Prospects for identifying functional variation across the genome
H. Allen Orr. The genetic basis of reproductive isolation: Insights from Drosophila
Francisco J. Ayala and Mario Coluzzi. Chromosome speciation: Humans, Drosophila, and mosquitoes
Scott V. Edwards, Sarah B. Kingan, Jennifer D. Calkins, Christopher N. Balakrishnan, W. Bryan Jennings, Willie J. Swanson, and Michael D. Sorenson. Speciation in birds: Genes, geography, and sexual selection
Mary Jane West-Eberhard. Developmental plasticity and the origin of species differences Stephen R. Palumbi and H. A. Lessios. Evolutionary animation: How do molecular phylogenies compare to Mayr's reconstruction of speciation patterns in the sea?

Se invece volete ascoltare le presentazioni collegatevi a questo link (The National Academies web site) e scegliete il vostro argomento!

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