Eccovi un aggiornamento sul tema Evo-Devo: rapporti tra teoria evoluzionistica e biologia dello sviluppo (embriologia)
Il fascicolo di gennaio 2004 della rivista Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, riporta i seguenti articoli
Brian K. Hall. In search of evolutionary developmental mechanisms: The 30-year gap between 1944 and 1974
Rudolf A. Raff, Alan C. Love. Kowalevsky, comparative evolutionary embryology, and the intellectual lineage of evo-devo
Klaus Sander, Urs Schmidt-Ott. Evo-Devo aspects of classical and molecular data in a historical perspective
Günter P. Wagner, Manfred D. Laubichler. Rupert riedl and the re-synthesis of evolutionary and developmental biology: Body plans and evolvability
Eccovi altri articoli e una news
C. P. Klingenberg. Evo-devo discovers morphology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Volume 17, Issue 2, Page 472-474, Mar 2004
David L. Stern. What you didn't know about evo-devo. Development 2003 130: 5560-5561
Hall, B. K., Pearson, R., Müller, G. B., 2003. Environment, Development, and Evolution. Toward a Synthesis. Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
Müller Gerd, Newman Stuart. Origination of organismal form. Beyond the gene in developmental and evolutionary theory. The Vienna series in theoretical biology. 2003, vi, 332 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Ingo Brigandt. Homology in comparative, molecular, and evolutionary developmental biology: The radiation of a concept>. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, Volume 299B, Issue 1, 2003
Love AC, Raff RA. Knowing your ancestors: themes in the history of evo-devo. Evol Dev ; 5:327-30.
Frohlich MW. An evolutionary scenario for the origin of flowers. Nat Rev Genet 2003; 4:559-66.
Dal fascicolo 47 della rivista Int J Dev Biol potete consultare i seguenti articoli:
Baguñà J, Garcia-Fernàndez J. Evo-Devo: the long and winding road. Int J Dev Biol 2003; 47:705-13.
Wray GA. Transcriptional regulation and the evolution of development. Int J Dev Biol 2003; 47:675-84.
Minelli A The origin and evolution of appendages. Int J Dev Biol 2003; 47:573-81.
Arendt D. Evolution of eyes and photoreceptor cell types. Int J Dev Biol 2003; 47:563-71.
Hall BK. Evo-Devo: evolutionary developmental mechanisms. Int J Dev Biol 2003; 47:491-5.
Telford MJ, Budd GE. The place of phylogeny and cladistics in Evo-Devo research. Int J Dev Biol 2003; 47:479-90.
Gilbert SF. The morphogenesis of evolutionary developmental biology. Int J Dev Biol 2003; 47:467-77.
Sara’ presto pubblicato il volume On Growth Form And Development.
A cura di Sanjeev Kumar , Department of Computer Science, University College London, U.K. e Peter J. Bentley , University College London, U.K.
Dal sito web riporto:
Covers both developmental biology and computational development -- the only book of its kind! Provides introductory material and more detailed information on BOTH disciplines. Includes contributions from Richard Dawkins, Lewis Wolpert, Ian Stewart, and many other experts
Minelli Alessandro. The development of animal form. Ontogeny, morphology, and evolution
Cambridge University Press. 2003, xviii, 323 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Preface Acknowledgments 1. The Nature of Development 2. Everything begun to the service of development: cellular Darwinism and the origin of animal form 3. Development: generic to genetic 4. Periodization 5. Body regions, their boundaries and complexity 6. Differentiation and patterning 7. Size factors 8. Axes and symmetries 9. Segments 10. Evo-devo perspectives on homology Evolutionary novelties Summary and conclusions References Index.
Embryology, Epigenesis and Evolution. Taking Development Seriously di Jason Scott Robert
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The Epistemology of Development, Evolution, and Genetics
by Richard Burian, Michael Ruse
Modularity in Development and Evolutionby Gerhard Schlosser (Editor), Gunter P. Wagner
Una news
'Evo-devo' biology tackles evolutionary history's unanswered questions
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