Wednesday, November 12, 2003

La Kluwer consente per breve tempo di accedere liberamente ai contenuti dell’ultimo numero della rivista
Biology and Phylosophy, vol. 18, n. 5, novembre 2003. Questo e’ l’indice:
How to be a chaste species pluralist-realist: the origins of species modes and the synapomorphic species concept
John S. Wilkins
Parting with illusions in evolutionary ethics
David C. Lahti
Darwin's nihilistic idea: evolution and the meaninglessness of life
Tamler Sommers, Alex Rosenberg
On the inappropriate use of the naturalistic fallacy in evolutionary psychology
David Sloan Wilson, Eric Dietrich, Anne B. Clark
A new group-selection model for the evolution of homosexuality
Jeff Kirby
Adaptationism, Adaptation, and Optimality
Robert C. Richardson
The New Behaviorism
Kenneth Reisman
On Dennett and the Natural Sciences of Free Will
Matteo Mameli
Now, Would each Group Please Select a Religion
Roger Sansom
Intellectual Tour de Force
Iver Mysterud

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