Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Leggete l’articolo di commento al recente meeting della The International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) tenutosi a Vienna lo scorso Luglio e pubblicato su Galileo
Fattore biologia
a cura di Elena Giorgi
....poi scaricate il file pdf con tutti gli abstracts presentati al medesimo convegno. Segnalo le seguenti sessioni:
Interpreting Evolutionary Theory
A Cultural History of Heredity
Evolution and Development
Recent Work on Pluralism and the Levels of Selection
Evolution and Politics
Indeterminism and Evolution
Inheritance and Evolution
Naples as an Evolutionary Niche
Evening Plenary: Stephen J. Gould’s The Structure of Evolutionary Theory
Biohistory – Neo-Darwinism’s Last Frontier
Alternative Evolutionary Theories
'Race' in Theories of Human Origins and Diversity
Biological Hierarchies

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